Well hello there,

Yes, I know.. I know it’s not Sunday today – at least not where I live. However there is a very good explanation as to why my Selfie Sunday is going out on a Monday! I don’t think I’ll need to explain it. I think you all know the feeling. The I’ve-had-a-very-sociable-weekend-and-now-need-to-hypernate sort of Sunday mood. So yes, that’s what happened, and of course this reflects on my very beautiful (eeh) drawing, illustrating my Sunday.

Selfie Sunday vol 2
So yea, you can tell what went down. Correct. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I watched the new-ish movie with the always wonderful Daniel Radcliffe (yes, I am a Harry Potter fan – did I mention that before? I feel like I did. Nevermiind).. It was What If, starring him and some other people that I honestly don’t know the names of, but they did a great job! So yea, cudos to them, it was a pretty good movie – very unrated and seemingly real (I know, it’s a movie. It’s not real, but they did a good job with convincing me that it might be!!!). Aaanyways, if you encounter a lazy Sunday one of these weeks, you should definitely watch it, it’s cute, funny and yea, kind of weird in a good way : )


Oookay, that’s it for my second Selfie Sunday. Hope you had a nice weekend, and maybe got to be a little bit more productive than me (if not, then that’s totally okay, I feel you)
